
This module includes wrappers for creating cryptographic identities and the functionality to verify signatures of http requests. BovineClient and BovineActor take care of making properly signed requests.


Creates a validate_signature function. validate_signature takes the request as parameter and returns the owner if the http signature is valid.


key_retriever – A coroutine that given a key id returns a tuple public_key, owner. Here public_key is assumed to be PEM encoded and owner is an URI. In the Fediverse use case, owner will be the actor id.


async def retrieve(key_id):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        response = await session.get(key_id)
        data = await response.json()
        key = data.get("publicKey", {})
        return key.get("publicKeyPem"), key.get("owner")

validator = build_validate_http_signature(retrieve)

validator then accepts as argument a werzeug.wrappers.Request object.


Creates a validate_signature function. validate_signature takes (method, url, headers, body) as parameters and returns the owner if the http signature is valid. The rest of behavior is as build_validate_http_signature.

bovine.crypto.generate_ed25519_private_key() str[source]

Returns a multicodec/multibase encoded ed25519 private key

bovine.crypto.generate_rsa_public_private_key() Tuple[str, str][source]

Generates a new pair of RSA public and private keys.


pem encoded public and private key

bovine.crypto.private_key_to_did_key(private_key_str: str) str[source]

Computes public key in did key form of Ed25519 private key


private_key_str – multibase/multicodec encoded Ed25519 private key



async bovine.crypto.validate_moo_auth_signature(request, domain) Tuple[str | None, str | None][source]

Validates the Moo-Auth-1 signature of the request. Returns the did-key if the signature is valid.

  • request – The request to validate the signature for.

  • domain – The domain the request is made to.


On success the did key and domain, on failure None, None When no domain is passed the did key and None is returned

class bovine.crypto.http_signature.HttpSignature[source]

Helper class to build http signatures

Usage: Add fields used for signature with with_fields. Then use build_signature or verify depending on use case.


Builds the message

build_signature(key_id: str, private_key: str)[source]

Returns the signature string when signed with private_key

property headers

Headers as specified when building http signature

verify(public_key: str, signature: str)[source]

Verifies signature

with_field(field_name, field_value)[source]

Adds a field to be used when building a http signature

class bovine.crypto.signature.Signature(key_id: str, algorithm: str, headers: dict, signature: str)[source]

Helper class to parse HTTP Signatures

property fields: List[str]

Returns the fields that are used when building the signature

static from_signature_header(header)[source]

Takes the signature header and turns into Signature object

The header is assumed of the for key=value,… The keys keyId, algorithm, headers, and signature are parsed. If algorithm is absent it is assumed to be rsa-sha256. The other keys are required.