Tutorial: Using BovineClient

BovineClient is meant as a client interface to connect to bovine_herd based applications. The used interface is loosely based on what I would call ActivityPub Client To Server.

The basic thinking is that, in order to interact with the Fediverse, one needs three things:

  • The ability to fetch resources, done via the proxy method

  • The ability to get updates from the Fediverse, often done through the event source

  • The ability to post, done through send_to_outbox

While doing this through HTTP methods is reasonable to for example build client applications in a browser or a cell phone app, this creates a lot of overhead when creating addons for bovine_herd.

Instead the strategy for addons to bovine_herd will be use AMQP to have an inbox and outbox queue, that one can interact with. So basically, the only method with BovineClient will be a form of the proxy method.

The current plan – which can change quickly – is to introduce something called BovineProcessor that takes the role of BovineClient for stuff actually happening inside the Fediverse application.


As with BovineActor, one needs to pass a configuration object to it, when initializing it. There are two variants for Moo-Auth-1, it has the form

config = {
    "host": host_of_your_activitypub_server,
    "secret": multicodec_ed25519_key,

where host is the hostname of the ActivityPub Server and secret a mutlicodec encoded Ed25519 key, whose corresponding did-key has been added to the Actor. The second variant is to use HTTP Signatures, where

config = {
    "actor_id": actor_id,
    "public_key_url": url_of_your_public_key
    "secret": pem_encoded_rsa_private_key,

here actor_id is the URI of your actor on the ActivityPub Server, public_key_url is the location of the public key as used in keyId of the HTTP Signature, and secret is the PEM encoded RSA private key corresponding to the linked public_key_url.

Then one can create a BovineClient with one of the following 4 versions

from bovine import BovineClient

async with BovineClient(**config) as client:
    await do_something(client)

async with BovineClient.from_file("config.toml") as client:
    await do_something(client)

client = BovineClient(**config)
await client.init()

client = BovineClient.from_file("config.toml")
await client.init(session=session)

For from_file the config file is parsed and used as a the config object. The session parameter is optional and can be used to pass a aiohttp.ClientSession to the BovineClient.

Making a post

BovineActor contains two factories to create ActivityStreams Objects and ActivityStreams Activities. One can obtain them by running

activity_factory, object_factory = client.factories

The simplest usage example is a create wrapping a note, that looks like:

note = object_factory.note(content="Hello").as_public().build()
create = activity_factory.create(note).build()

The result should be the something equivalent to the json

    "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
    "type": "Create",
    "actor": "https://domain/actor",
    "object": {
        "attributedTo": "https://domain/actor",
        "type": "Note",
        "content": "Hello",
        "to": "as:Public",
        "cc": "https://domain/followers_collection"
    "to": "as:Public",
    "cc": "https://domain/followers_collection"

We can now send this activity to our outbox using

response = await client.send_to_outbox(create)
activity_location = response.headers['location']

The note should appear in the public feed of your Actor. The new id of the activity is stored in the returned location header. To retrieve the id of the corresponding object, you will need to proxy the activity via

activity = await client.proxy(activity_location)

The id can then be extracted from the object.

The inbox and outbox

By running

inbox = await client.inbox()
outbox = await client.outbox()

one can obtain CollectionHelper objects. These are meant to make it easier to interact with collection objects. In the simplest use case, one can use

await inbox.next_item()

to get the items from the inbox one after the other. It is also possible to print a summary of all elements that have been fetched from the inbox using await inbox.summary(). Finally, it is possible to iterate over the inbox via

async for item in inbox.iterate(max_number=3):

Proxying elements

await actor.proxy(object_id)

actor.proxy sends a request to the actor’s server for the object. This request is then either answered from the server’s object store or by the server fetching the object. The cache behavior is up to the server. Depending of the evolution of proxyUrl of an Actor, more options might be added here.

Event Source

The event source is demonstrated in examples/sse.py. First, the event source will be specified in a FEP to come. It provides a way to receive updates from the server, whenever a new element is added to the inbox or outbox. The basic usage is

event_source = await actor.event_source()
async for event in event_source:
    if event and event.data:
        data = json.loads(event.data)

If you plan on writing long running applications, the event source does not automatically reconnect, so you will need to implement this. mechanical_bull uses the event source in this way.