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Look up for the actor id either from attributedTo or actor

Source code in bovine/bovine/activitystreams/utils/
def actor_for_object(data: dict) -> str:
    """Look up for the actor id either from attributedTo or actor"""
    if "attributedTo" in data:
        actor = data.get("attributedTo")
        actor = data.get("actor")
    actor = id_for_object(actor)

    if actor:
        return actor

    return "__NO__ACTOR__"

copy_to_and_cc(origin, destination)

Copies the audience from the origin object to the destination object

Source code in bovine/bovine/activitystreams/utils/
def copy_to_and_cc(origin: dict, destination: dict) -> dict:
    """Copies the audience from the origin object to the destination object"""

    for key in ["to", "cc", "bto", "bcc", "audience"]:
        if key in origin:
            destination[key] = list(
                property_for_key_as_set(origin, key)
                | property_for_key_as_set(destination, key)

    return destination


Given an actor object, i.e. a dict, determines the fediverse handle

Source code in bovine/bovine/activitystreams/utils/
def fediverse_handle_from_actor(actor: dict) -> str:
    """Given an actor object, i.e. a dict, determines the fediverse handle"""
    host = urlparse(actor["id"]).netloc
    username = urlparse(actor["id"]).path.split("/")[-1]

    if "preferredUsername" in actor:
        username = actor["preferredUsername"]

    return f"{username}@{host}"


Determines the id of an object

Source code in bovine/bovine/activitystreams/utils/
def id_for_object(data: Optional[dict | str]) -> Optional[str]:
    """Determines the id of an object"""

    if data is None:
        return None
    if isinstance(data, str):
        return data
    return data.get("id", None)


Determines if the object should be considered public based on its recipients

Source code in bovine/bovine/activitystreams/utils/
def is_public(data: dict) -> bool:
    """Determines if the object should be considered public based on its recipients"""
    recipients = recipients_for_object(data)

    return any(
        x in recipients
        for x in ["Public", "as:Public", ""]


Combines the recipients from to, cc, bto, bcc, audience into a set

Source code in bovine/bovine/activitystreams/utils/
def recipients_for_object(data: dict) -> set:
    """Combines the recipients from to, cc, bto, bcc, audience into a set"""
    return set.union(
            property_for_key_as_set(data, key)
            for key in ["to", "cc", "bto", "bcc", "audience"]