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This module contains functionality outside of the scope of ActivityPub, but useful in the FediVerse.

fetch_nodeinfo(session, domain) async

Fetches the nodeinfo 2.0 object from domain using the /.well-known/nodeinfo endpoint

Source code in bovine/bovine/clients/
async def fetch_nodeinfo(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, domain: str) -> dict | None:
    """Fetches the nodeinfo 2.0 object from domain using the /.well-known/nodeinfo

        data = await fetch_nodeinfo_document(session, domain)

        for link in data["links"]:
            if link["rel"] == "":
                return await fetch_nodeinfo20(session, link["href"])

        return None

    except Exception as e:
        for log_line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines():
        return None

lookup_account_with_webfinger(session, fediverse_handle) async

Deprecated: Use lookup_uri_with_webfinger instead

Looks up the actor url associated with a FediVerse handle, i.e. an identifier of the form username@domain, using the webfinger endpoint


Name Type Description Default
session ClientSession

the aiohttp.ClientSession to use

fediverse_handle str

the FediVerse handle as a string

Source code in bovine/bovine/clients/
async def lookup_account_with_webfinger(
    session: aiohttp.ClientSession, fediverse_handle: str
) -> str | None:
    """**Deprecated**: Use lookup_uri_with_webfinger instead

    Looks up the actor url associated with a FediVerse handle,
    i.e. an identifier of the form username@domain, using
    the webfinger endpoint

    :param session: the aiohttp.ClientSession to use
    :param fediverse_handle: the FediVerse handle as a string
    result, _ = await lookup_uri_with_webfinger(session, "acct:" + fediverse_handle)
    return result

lookup_did_with_webfinger(session, domain, did) async

Deprecated: Use lookup_uri_with_webfinger instead

Looks up the actor url associated with a did and domain using the webfinger endpoint


Name Type Description Default
session ClientSession

the aiohttp.ClientSession to use

domain str

the domain to perform the lookup from

did str

the did key to perform lookup with

Source code in bovine/bovine/clients/
async def lookup_did_with_webfinger(
    session: aiohttp.ClientSession, domain: str, did: str
    """**Deprecated**: Use lookup_uri_with_webfinger instead

    Looks up the actor url associated with a did and domain
    using the webfinger endpoint

    :param session: the aiohttp.ClientSession to use
    :param domain: the domain to perform the lookup from
    :param did: the did key to perform lookup with
    result, _ = await lookup_uri_with_webfinger(session, did, domain=domain)
    return result

lookup_uri_with_webfinger(session, uri, domain=None) async

Looks up an actor URI associated with an URI and domain using the webfinger endpoint following fep-4adb <>_


Name Type Description Default
session ClientSession

the aiohttp.ClientSession to use

uri str

the uri to perform lookup with

domain str | None

the domain to perform the lookup from



Type Description
Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[bool]]

A tuple of (actor URI, verification_necessary). The value of verification_necessary indicates that it is necessary if the actor has the appropriate authority to associate the query URI with itself.

Source code in bovine/bovine/clients/
async def lookup_uri_with_webfinger(
    session: aiohttp.ClientSession, uri: str, domain: str | None = None
) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[bool]]:
    """Looks up an actor URI associated with an URI and domain
    using the webfinger endpoint following `fep-4adb

    :param session: the aiohttp.ClientSession to use
    :param uri: the uri to perform lookup with
    :param domain: the domain to perform the lookup from
    :returns: A tuple of `(actor URI, verification_necessary)`. The value
        of `verification_necessary` indicates that it is necessary if the actor
        has the appropriate authority to associate the query URI with itself.

    if domain is None:
        if uri.startswith("acct:"):
            _, domain = parse_fediverse_handle(uri.removeprefix("acct:"))
            raise ValueError(f"For the uri {uri} a domain must be specified")

    if domain.startswith("http://") or domain.startswith("https://"):
        webfinger_url = f"{domain}/.well-known/webfinger"
        webfinger_url = f"https://{domain}/.well-known/webfinger"
    params = {"resource": uri}

        result = await lookup_with_webfinger(session, webfinger_url, params)
    except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError as ex:
        if os.environ.get("BUTCHER_ALLOW_HTTP"):
            webfinger_url = webfinger_url.replace("https://", "http://")
            result = await lookup_with_webfinger(session, webfinger_url, params)
            raise ex
    return result, not uri.startswith("acct:")

lookup_with_dns(session, domain) async

Looks up the actor url associated with the dns entry for domain. See FEP-612d: Identifying ActivityPub Objects through DNS <>_ for the mechanism.


Name Type Description Default
session ClientSession

the aiohttp.ClientSession to use

domain str

the domain to perform the lookup from

Source code in bovine/bovine/clients/
async def lookup_with_dns(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, domain: str) -> str | None:
    """Looks up the actor url associated with the dns entry for domain. See
    `FEP-612d: Identifying ActivityPub Objects through DNS
    <>`_ for
    the mechanism.

    :param session: the aiohttp.ClientSession to use
    :param domain: the domain to perform the lookup from

    resolver = aiodns.DNSResolver()
        (result,) = await resolver.query(f"_apobjid.{domain}", "TXT")

        return result.text
    except Exception:
        return None