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SignatureChecker dataclass

Dataclass to encapsulate the logic of checking a HTTP signature


Name Type Description Default
key_retriever Callable[[str], Awaitable[Tuple[str | None, str | None] | CryptographicIdentifier | None]]

used to resolve the keyId to the cryptographic information

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
class SignatureChecker:
    """Dataclass to encapsulate the logic of checking a HTTP signature

    :param key_retriever: used to resolve the keyId to the cryptographic information"""

    key_retriever: Callable[
        [str], Awaitable[Tuple[str | None, str | None] | CryptographicIdentifier | None]

    async def validate_signature(
        method: str,
        url: str,
        headers: dict,
        body: Callable[[], Awaitable[str | bytes]],
    ) -> str | None:
        """Valids a given signature

        :param method: The http method either get or post
        :param url: The url being queried
        :param headers: The request headers
        :param body: A coroutine resolving the the request body. Used for post requests to check the digest.
        if "signature" not in headers:
            logger.debug("Signature not present on request for %s", url)
            return None

        if method.lower() == "post":
            if not self.validate_digest(headers, await body()):
                logger.warning("Validating digest failed")
                return None

            http_signature = HttpSignature()
            parsed_signature = parse_signature_header(headers["signature"])
            signature_fields = parsed_signature.fields

            if (
                "(request-target)" not in signature_fields
                or "date" not in signature_fields
                logger.warning("Required field not present in signature")
                return None

            if method.lower() == "post" and all(
                field not in signature_fields for field in ["digest", "content-digest"]
                logger.warning("Digest not present, but computable")
                return None

            http_date = parse_gmt(headers["date"])
            if not bovine.utils.check_max_offset_now(http_date):
                logger.warning(f"Encountered invalid http date {headers['date']}")
                return None

            for field in signature_fields:
                if field == "(request-target)":
                    method = method.lower()
                    parsed_url = urlparse(url)
                    path = parsed_url.path
                    http_signature.with_field(field, f"{method} {path}")
                    http_signature.with_field(field, headers[field])

            key_result = await self.key_retriever(parsed_signature.key_id)

            if isinstance(key_result, tuple):
                    "Returning a tuple from key_retriever is deprecated, return a CryptographicIdentifier instead, will be remove in bovine 0.6.0",
                key_result = CryptographicIdentifier.from_pem(*key_result)

            if key_result is None:
                logger.debug(f"Could not retrieve key from {parsed_signature.key_id}")
                return None

            return http_signature.verify_with_identity(
                key_result, parsed_signature.signature

        except Exception as e:
            return None

        return None

    async def validate_signature_request(self, request) -> str | None:
        """Validates a given signature

        :param request: The request object"""
        return await self.validate_signature(
            request.method, request.url, request.headers, request.get_data

    def validate_digest(self, headers: dict, body: bytes) -> bool:
        """Validates the digest. First checks the `digest` header
        then the `content-digest` header.

        :param headers: The headers of the request
        :param body: The body of the request, currently a warning is raised if body is of type str
        :return: True if digest is present and valid

        if isinstance(body, str):
            warnings.warn("Got body of type str expected bytes")
            body = body.encode("utf-8")

        if "digest" in headers:
            request_digest = headers["digest"]
            request_digest = request_digest[:4].lower() + request_digest[4:]
            digest = content_digest_sha256(body)
            if request_digest != digest:
                logger.warning("Different digest")
                return False

            return True

        if "content-digest" in headers:
                parsed = http_sf.parse(
                    headers["content-digest"].encode("utf-8"), tltype="dict"
            except Exception as e:
                    "Failed to parse header %s with %s",
                return False
            valid = False

            if "sha-256" in parsed:
                if parsed["sha-256"][0] == hashlib.sha256(body).digest():
                    valid = True
                    return False

            if "sha-512" in parsed:
                if parsed["sha-512"][0] == hashlib.sha512(body).digest():
                    valid = True
                    return False

            return valid

        return False

validate_digest(headers, body)

Validates the digest. First checks the digest header then the content-digest header.


Name Type Description Default
headers dict

The headers of the request

body bytes

The body of the request, currently a warning is raised if body is of type str



Type Description

True if digest is present and valid

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def validate_digest(self, headers: dict, body: bytes) -> bool:
    """Validates the digest. First checks the `digest` header
    then the `content-digest` header.

    :param headers: The headers of the request
    :param body: The body of the request, currently a warning is raised if body is of type str
    :return: True if digest is present and valid

    if isinstance(body, str):
        warnings.warn("Got body of type str expected bytes")
        body = body.encode("utf-8")

    if "digest" in headers:
        request_digest = headers["digest"]
        request_digest = request_digest[:4].lower() + request_digest[4:]
        digest = content_digest_sha256(body)
        if request_digest != digest:
            logger.warning("Different digest")
            return False

        return True

    if "content-digest" in headers:
            parsed = http_sf.parse(
                headers["content-digest"].encode("utf-8"), tltype="dict"
        except Exception as e:
                "Failed to parse header %s with %s",
            return False
        valid = False

        if "sha-256" in parsed:
            if parsed["sha-256"][0] == hashlib.sha256(body).digest():
                valid = True
                return False

        if "sha-512" in parsed:
            if parsed["sha-512"][0] == hashlib.sha512(body).digest():
                valid = True
                return False

        return valid

    return False

validate_signature(method, url, headers, body) async

Valids a given signature


Name Type Description Default
method str

The http method either get or post

url str

The url being queried

headers dict

The request headers

body Callable[[], Awaitable[str | bytes]]

A coroutine resolving the the request body. Used for post requests to check the digest.

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
async def validate_signature(
    method: str,
    url: str,
    headers: dict,
    body: Callable[[], Awaitable[str | bytes]],
) -> str | None:
    """Valids a given signature

    :param method: The http method either get or post
    :param url: The url being queried
    :param headers: The request headers
    :param body: A coroutine resolving the the request body. Used for post requests to check the digest.
    if "signature" not in headers:
        logger.debug("Signature not present on request for %s", url)
        return None

    if method.lower() == "post":
        if not self.validate_digest(headers, await body()):
            logger.warning("Validating digest failed")
            return None

        http_signature = HttpSignature()
        parsed_signature = parse_signature_header(headers["signature"])
        signature_fields = parsed_signature.fields

        if (
            "(request-target)" not in signature_fields
            or "date" not in signature_fields
            logger.warning("Required field not present in signature")
            return None

        if method.lower() == "post" and all(
            field not in signature_fields for field in ["digest", "content-digest"]
            logger.warning("Digest not present, but computable")
            return None

        http_date = parse_gmt(headers["date"])
        if not bovine.utils.check_max_offset_now(http_date):
            logger.warning(f"Encountered invalid http date {headers['date']}")
            return None

        for field in signature_fields:
            if field == "(request-target)":
                method = method.lower()
                parsed_url = urlparse(url)
                path = parsed_url.path
                http_signature.with_field(field, f"{method} {path}")
                http_signature.with_field(field, headers[field])

        key_result = await self.key_retriever(parsed_signature.key_id)

        if isinstance(key_result, tuple):
                "Returning a tuple from key_retriever is deprecated, return a CryptographicIdentifier instead, will be remove in bovine 0.6.0",
            key_result = CryptographicIdentifier.from_pem(*key_result)

        if key_result is None:
            logger.debug(f"Could not retrieve key from {parsed_signature.key_id}")
            return None

        return http_signature.verify_with_identity(
            key_result, parsed_signature.signature

    except Exception as e:
        return None

    return None

validate_signature_request(request) async

Validates a given signature


Name Type Description Default

The request object

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
async def validate_signature_request(self, request) -> str | None:
    """Validates a given signature

    :param request: The request object"""
    return await self.validate_signature(
        request.method, request.url, request.headers, request.get_data