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The aim of these two classes is to encapsulate the usage of public and private keys in the Fediverse. We will now touch on how these are used. This is not meant as an introduction to public key cryptography, but more as a refresher and explainer how things are intended to be used.

Signing a document

flowchart LR
A --> D[key_id]
A[CryptographicSecret] -->|sign| B[signature]
C[document] --> B
B --> E[message]
C --> E
D --> E

This diagram illustrates that given a document, one generates the signature using a CryptographicSecret. The triple (document, signature, key_id) then forms the signed message.

Verifying a document

flowchart LR
A[message] -->|key_id| B[CryptographicIdentifier]
A -->|signature| C[controller]
B -->|verify| C
C -->|is by?| D
A --> D[document]

Given a signed message, i.e. a triple (document, signature, key_id), one can verify its integrity by following the process shown in the diagram above. First, one uses the key_id to retrieve the CryptographicIdentifier, e.g. in the Fediverse as attached to the actor profile. Then one uses this identifier and the signature, to obtain the controller, i.e. the person who signed the message. If this matches the claimed authorship of the document, all is well.

The methods from_public_key and from_multikey are meant to make importing CryptographicIdentifiers form an actor profile easier.

CryptographicIdentifier dataclass

Represents a cryptographic identifier. The usage is: If an object is signed by public_key, then it is authored by controller. In order to discover which CryptographicIdentifier to use, one resolves another identifier key_id, which yields either a Multikey or a publicKey object, which can then be resolved into a CryptographicIdentifier.

One should never need to directly access the properties of this class, instead verify returns the controller, if and only if the signature is valid.


Name Type Description Default
controller str

The URI of the actor that controls the public key

public_key Union[Ed25519PublicKey, RSAPublicKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey]

Public key used to verify signatures

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
class CryptographicIdentifier:
    """Represents a cryptographic identifier. The usage is: If an object is
    signed by `public_key`, then it is authored by `controller`. In order
    to discover which `CryptographicIdentifier` to use, one resolves another
    identifier `key_id`, which yields either a Multikey or a publicKey object, which
    can then be resolved into a CryptographicIdentifier.

    One should never need to directly access the properties of this class, instead
    verify returns the controller, if and only if the signature is valid.

    :param controller: The URI of the actor that controls the public key
    :param public_key: Public key used to verify signatures

    controller: str
    public_key: Union[
        ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey, rsa.RSAPublicKey, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey

    def verify(self, message: str | bytes, signature: str | bytes) -> str | None:
        """Verifies that `signature` is a correct signature for the given message.

        **Warning**: Interface might change, to enable specifying encoding
        of the signature.

        :param message: The message string.
        :param signature: The signature

        :return: If the signature is valid the corresponding controller,
            otherwise null.
        # Doing the encoding here is probably wrong ...
        # All these things are awkward

        if isinstance(signature, str):
            signature = base64.standard_b64decode(signature)

        if isinstance(message, str):
            message = message.encode("utf-8")

        if isinstance(self.public_key, rsa.RSAPublicKey):
                return self.controller
            except InvalidSignature:
                return None

        if isinstance(self.public_key, ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey):
                self.public_key.verify(signature, message)
                return self.controller
            except InvalidSignature:
                return None

        if isinstance(self.public_key, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey):
                algorithm, length = curve_to_hashing_algorithm_and_half_key_length(

                r = int.from_bytes(signature[:length])
                s = int.from_bytes(signature[length:])

                logger.debug("R %d", r)
                logger.debug("S %d", s)

                signature_dss = utils.encode_dss_signature(r, s)

                logger.debug("Signature DSS length %d", len(signature_dss))

                self.public_key.verify(signature_dss, message, algorithm)
                return self.controller
            except InvalidSignature:
                return None

        raise ValueError("Unknown key type in public_key")

    def verify_document(self, document: dict):
        """Verifies that document has a valid signature according to FEP-8b32.
        We note that in order to verify a document signed using FEP-8b32, one
        will already need to parse it sufficiently to extract the controller,
        so the CryptographicIdentifier can be created.

        __Beware__: Verification with P-386 keys might be broken.

        :param document: The document to verify"""
        pure_doc, proof_doc, signature = split_according_to_fep8b32(document)
        pure_proof = integrity_proof_to_pure_proof_dict(proof_doc)

        match proof_doc.cryptosuite:
            case "eddsa-jcs-2022" | "ecdsa-jcs-2019":
                to_hash = jcs_sha256
                if isinstance(
                    self.public_key, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey
                ) and isinstance(self.public_key.curve, ec.SECP384R1):
                    to_hash = jcs_sha384
            case "eddsa-rdfc-2022" | "ecdsa-rdfc-2019":
                to_hash = rdfc_sha256
                if isinstance(
                    self.public_key, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey
                ) and isinstance(self.public_key.curve, ec.SECP384R1):
                    to_hash = rdfc_sha384
          "USING rdfc_sha384")
            case _:
                logger.warning("Got the unknown cryptosuite %s", proof_doc.cryptosuite)
                raise ValueError(f"Unknown cryptosuite '{proof_doc.cryptosuite}'")

        digest_one = to_hash(pure_proof, context=pure_doc["@context"])
        digest_two = to_hash(pure_doc, context=pure_doc["@context"])
        logger.debug("Digest Proof %s", digest_one.hex())
        logger.debug("Digest Document %s %d", digest_two.hex(), len(digest_two))
        digest = digest_one + digest_two

        return self.verify(digest, signature)

    def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        """Transforms the CryptographicIdentifier into a tuple

        :return: controller, multibase/multicodec encoded public key"""
        public_key = encode_public_key_to_multibase(self.public_key)

        return (self.controller, public_key)

    def from_pem(cls, public_key: str, owner: str):
        """Creates a CryptographicIdentifier from a pem encoded public key and the controller

        >>> public_key_pem = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA15vhFdK272bbGDzLtypo\\n4Nn8mNFY3YSLnrAOX4zZKkNmWmgypgDP8qXjNiVsBf8f+Yk3tHDs58LMf8QDSP09\\nA+zrlWBHN1rLELn0JBgqT9xj8WSobDIjOjFBAy4FKUko7k/IsYwTl/Vnx1tykhPR\\n1UzbaNqN1yQSy0zGbIce/Xhqlzm6u+twyuHVCtbGPcPh7for5o0avKdMwhAXpWMr\\nNoc9L2L/\\n9h3UgoePgAvCE6HTPXEBPesUBlTULcRxMXIZJ7P6eMkb2pGUCDlVF4EN\\nvcxZAG8Pb7HQp9nzVwK4OXZclKsH1YK0G8oBGTxnroBtq7cJbrJvqNMNOO5Yg3cu\\n6QIDAQAB\\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
        >>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_pem(public_key_pem, 'https://com.example/issuer/123')
        >>> identifier.controller


        if public_key is None:
            return None
        return cls(
            controller=owner, public_key=load_pem_public_key(public_key.encode("utf-8"))

    def from_multikey(cls, multikey: dict):
        """Creates a CryptographicIdentifier from a Multikey, see

        * [FEP-521a: Representing actor's public keys](


        >>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_multikey({
        ...     "id": "https://server.example/users/alice#ed25519-key",
        ...     "type": "Multikey",
        ...     "controller": "https://server.example/users/alice",
        ...     "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkrJVnaZkeFzdQyMZu1cgjg7k1pZZ6pvBQ7XJPt4swbTQ2"
        ... })
        >>> identifier.controller

        parsed = Multikey.model_validate(multikey)
        return cls.from_tuple(parsed.controller, parsed.publicKeyMultibase)

    def from_tuple(cls, controller: str, multibase_public_key: str):
        """Creates a CryptographicIdentifier from a tuple

        :param controller: The controller URI
        :param multibase_public_key: The public key encoded using multibase/multicodex
        public_key = decode_multibase_public_key(multibase_public_key)
        if public_key:
            return cls(
        raise ValueError("Unsupported public key format")

    def from_did_key(cls, did_key: str):
        """Creates a cryptographic identifier from a did:key
        The controller is then the did:key and the public key
        the encoded public key. See [The did:key Method]( for details. Currently supported: Ed25519, RSA, P-256, and P-384 keys.

        >>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_did_key("did:key:z6MkekwC6R9bj9ErToB7AiZJfyCSDhaZe1UxhDbCqJrhqpS5")
        >>> identifier.controller


        :param did_key: The did key

        if did_key.startswith("did:key:"):
            return cls.from_tuple(did_key, did_key[8:])

        raise ValueError("Invalid did key format")

    def from_public_key(cls, data: dict):
        """Creates a Cryptographic identifier from a publicKey object, example:

        >>> public_key = {
        ...    "id": "https://com.example/issuer/123#main-key",
        ...    "owner": "https://com.example/issuer/123",
        ...    "publicKeyPem": '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA15vhFdK272bbGDzLtypo\\n4Nn8mNFY3YSLnrAOX4zZKkNmWmgypgDP8qXjNiVsBf8f+Yk3tHDs58LMf8QDSP09\\nA+zrlWBHN1rLELn0JBgqT9xj8WSobDIjOjFBAy4FKUko7k/IsYwTl/Vnx1tykhPR\\n1UzbaNqN1yQSy0zGbIce/Xhqlzm6u+twyuHVCtbGPcPh7for5o0avKdMwhAXpWMr\\nNoc9L2L/\\n9h3UgoePgAvCE6HTPXEBPesUBlTULcRxMXIZJ7P6eMkb2pGUCDlVF4EN\\nvcxZAG8Pb7HQp9nzVwK4OXZclKsH1YK0G8oBGTxnroBtq7cJbrJvqNMNOO5Yg3cu\\n6QIDAQAB\\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
        ... }
        >>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_public_key(public_key)
        >>> identifier.controller


        controller = data.get("owner")
        public_key = data.get("publicKeyPem")

        if isinstance(public_key, dict):
            public_key = public_key.get("@value")

        if controller is None or public_key is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Expected parameters owner and publicKeyPem to be present when parsing publicKey"

        return cls(


Transforms the CryptographicIdentifier into a tuple


Type Description
Tuple[str, str]

controller, multibase/multicodec encoded public key

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    """Transforms the CryptographicIdentifier into a tuple

    :return: controller, multibase/multicodec encoded public key"""
    public_key = encode_public_key_to_multibase(self.public_key)

    return (self.controller, public_key)

from_did_key(did_key) classmethod

Creates a cryptographic identifier from a did:key The controller is then the did:key and the public key the encoded public key. See The did:key Method for details. Currently supported: Ed25519, RSA, P-256, and P-384 keys.

>>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_did_key("did:key:z6MkekwC6R9bj9ErToB7AiZJfyCSDhaZe1UxhDbCqJrhqpS5")
>>> identifier.controller


Name Type Description Default
did_key str

The did key

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def from_did_key(cls, did_key: str):
    """Creates a cryptographic identifier from a did:key
    The controller is then the did:key and the public key
    the encoded public key. See [The did:key Method]( for details. Currently supported: Ed25519, RSA, P-256, and P-384 keys.

    >>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_did_key("did:key:z6MkekwC6R9bj9ErToB7AiZJfyCSDhaZe1UxhDbCqJrhqpS5")
    >>> identifier.controller


    :param did_key: The did key

    if did_key.startswith("did:key:"):
        return cls.from_tuple(did_key, did_key[8:])

    raise ValueError("Invalid did key format")

from_multikey(multikey) classmethod

Creates a CryptographicIdentifier from a Multikey, see


>>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_multikey({
...     "id": "https://server.example/users/alice#ed25519-key",
...     "type": "Multikey",
...     "controller": "https://server.example/users/alice",
...     "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkrJVnaZkeFzdQyMZu1cgjg7k1pZZ6pvBQ7XJPt4swbTQ2"
... })
>>> identifier.controller
Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def from_multikey(cls, multikey: dict):
    """Creates a CryptographicIdentifier from a Multikey, see

    * [FEP-521a: Representing actor's public keys](


    >>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_multikey({
    ...     "id": "https://server.example/users/alice#ed25519-key",
    ...     "type": "Multikey",
    ...     "controller": "https://server.example/users/alice",
    ...     "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkrJVnaZkeFzdQyMZu1cgjg7k1pZZ6pvBQ7XJPt4swbTQ2"
    ... })
    >>> identifier.controller

    parsed = Multikey.model_validate(multikey)
    return cls.from_tuple(parsed.controller, parsed.publicKeyMultibase)

from_pem(public_key, owner) classmethod

Creates a CryptographicIdentifier from a pem encoded public key and the controller

>>> public_key_pem = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA15vhFdK272bbGDzLtypo\n4Nn8mNFY3YSLnrAOX4zZKkNmWmgypgDP8qXjNiVsBf8f+Yk3tHDs58LMf8QDSP09\nA+zrlWBHN1rLELn0JBgqT9xj8WSobDIjOjFBAy4FKUko7k/IsYwTl/Vnx1tykhPR\n1UzbaNqN1yQSy0zGbIce/Xhqlzm6u+twyuHVCtbGPcPh7for5o0avKdMwhAXpWMr\nNoc9L2L/\n9h3UgoePgAvCE6HTPXEBPesUBlTULcRxMXIZJ7P6eMkb2pGUCDlVF4EN\nvcxZAG8Pb7HQp9nzVwK4OXZclKsH1YK0G8oBGTxnroBtq7cJbrJvqNMNOO5Yg3cu\n6QIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
>>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_pem(public_key_pem, 'https://com.example/issuer/123')
>>> identifier.controller
Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def from_pem(cls, public_key: str, owner: str):
    """Creates a CryptographicIdentifier from a pem encoded public key and the controller

    >>> public_key_pem = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA15vhFdK272bbGDzLtypo\\n4Nn8mNFY3YSLnrAOX4zZKkNmWmgypgDP8qXjNiVsBf8f+Yk3tHDs58LMf8QDSP09\\nA+zrlWBHN1rLELn0JBgqT9xj8WSobDIjOjFBAy4FKUko7k/IsYwTl/Vnx1tykhPR\\n1UzbaNqN1yQSy0zGbIce/Xhqlzm6u+twyuHVCtbGPcPh7for5o0avKdMwhAXpWMr\\nNoc9L2L/\\n9h3UgoePgAvCE6HTPXEBPesUBlTULcRxMXIZJ7P6eMkb2pGUCDlVF4EN\\nvcxZAG8Pb7HQp9nzVwK4OXZclKsH1YK0G8oBGTxnroBtq7cJbrJvqNMNOO5Yg3cu\\n6QIDAQAB\\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
    >>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_pem(public_key_pem, 'https://com.example/issuer/123')
    >>> identifier.controller


    if public_key is None:
        return None
    return cls(
        controller=owner, public_key=load_pem_public_key(public_key.encode("utf-8"))

from_public_key(data) classmethod

Creates a Cryptographic identifier from a publicKey object, example:

>>> public_key = {
...    "id": "https://com.example/issuer/123#main-key",
...    "owner": "https://com.example/issuer/123",
...    "publicKeyPem": '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA15vhFdK272bbGDzLtypo\n4Nn8mNFY3YSLnrAOX4zZKkNmWmgypgDP8qXjNiVsBf8f+Yk3tHDs58LMf8QDSP09\nA+zrlWBHN1rLELn0JBgqT9xj8WSobDIjOjFBAy4FKUko7k/IsYwTl/Vnx1tykhPR\n1UzbaNqN1yQSy0zGbIce/Xhqlzm6u+twyuHVCtbGPcPh7for5o0avKdMwhAXpWMr\nNoc9L2L/\n9h3UgoePgAvCE6HTPXEBPesUBlTULcRxMXIZJ7P6eMkb2pGUCDlVF4EN\nvcxZAG8Pb7HQp9nzVwK4OXZclKsH1YK0G8oBGTxnroBtq7cJbrJvqNMNOO5Yg3cu\n6QIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
... }
>>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_public_key(public_key)
>>> identifier.controller
Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def from_public_key(cls, data: dict):
    """Creates a Cryptographic identifier from a publicKey object, example:

    >>> public_key = {
    ...    "id": "https://com.example/issuer/123#main-key",
    ...    "owner": "https://com.example/issuer/123",
    ...    "publicKeyPem": '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA15vhFdK272bbGDzLtypo\\n4Nn8mNFY3YSLnrAOX4zZKkNmWmgypgDP8qXjNiVsBf8f+Yk3tHDs58LMf8QDSP09\\nA+zrlWBHN1rLELn0JBgqT9xj8WSobDIjOjFBAy4FKUko7k/IsYwTl/Vnx1tykhPR\\n1UzbaNqN1yQSy0zGbIce/Xhqlzm6u+twyuHVCtbGPcPh7for5o0avKdMwhAXpWMr\\nNoc9L2L/\\n9h3UgoePgAvCE6HTPXEBPesUBlTULcRxMXIZJ7P6eMkb2pGUCDlVF4EN\\nvcxZAG8Pb7HQp9nzVwK4OXZclKsH1YK0G8oBGTxnroBtq7cJbrJvqNMNOO5Yg3cu\\n6QIDAQAB\\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
    ... }
    >>> identifier = CryptographicIdentifier.from_public_key(public_key)
    >>> identifier.controller


    controller = data.get("owner")
    public_key = data.get("publicKeyPem")

    if isinstance(public_key, dict):
        public_key = public_key.get("@value")

    if controller is None or public_key is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected parameters owner and publicKeyPem to be present when parsing publicKey"

    return cls(

from_tuple(controller, multibase_public_key) classmethod

Creates a CryptographicIdentifier from a tuple


Name Type Description Default
controller str

The controller URI

multibase_public_key str

The public key encoded using multibase/multicodex

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def from_tuple(cls, controller: str, multibase_public_key: str):
    """Creates a CryptographicIdentifier from a tuple

    :param controller: The controller URI
    :param multibase_public_key: The public key encoded using multibase/multicodex
    public_key = decode_multibase_public_key(multibase_public_key)
    if public_key:
        return cls(
    raise ValueError("Unsupported public key format")

verify(message, signature)

Verifies that signature is a correct signature for the given message.

Warning: Interface might change, to enable specifying encoding of the signature.


Name Type Description Default
message str | bytes

The message string.

signature str | bytes

The signature



Type Description
str | None

If the signature is valid the corresponding controller, otherwise null.

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def verify(self, message: str | bytes, signature: str | bytes) -> str | None:
    """Verifies that `signature` is a correct signature for the given message.

    **Warning**: Interface might change, to enable specifying encoding
    of the signature.

    :param message: The message string.
    :param signature: The signature

    :return: If the signature is valid the corresponding controller,
        otherwise null.
    # Doing the encoding here is probably wrong ...
    # All these things are awkward

    if isinstance(signature, str):
        signature = base64.standard_b64decode(signature)

    if isinstance(message, str):
        message = message.encode("utf-8")

    if isinstance(self.public_key, rsa.RSAPublicKey):
            return self.controller
        except InvalidSignature:
            return None

    if isinstance(self.public_key, ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey):
            self.public_key.verify(signature, message)
            return self.controller
        except InvalidSignature:
            return None

    if isinstance(self.public_key, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey):
            algorithm, length = curve_to_hashing_algorithm_and_half_key_length(

            r = int.from_bytes(signature[:length])
            s = int.from_bytes(signature[length:])

            logger.debug("R %d", r)
            logger.debug("S %d", s)

            signature_dss = utils.encode_dss_signature(r, s)

            logger.debug("Signature DSS length %d", len(signature_dss))

            self.public_key.verify(signature_dss, message, algorithm)
            return self.controller
        except InvalidSignature:
            return None

    raise ValueError("Unknown key type in public_key")


Verifies that document has a valid signature according to FEP-8b32. We note that in order to verify a document signed using FEP-8b32, one will already need to parse it sufficiently to extract the controller, so the CryptographicIdentifier can be created.

Beware: Verification with P-386 keys might be broken.


Name Type Description Default
document dict

The document to verify

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def verify_document(self, document: dict):
    """Verifies that document has a valid signature according to FEP-8b32.
    We note that in order to verify a document signed using FEP-8b32, one
    will already need to parse it sufficiently to extract the controller,
    so the CryptographicIdentifier can be created.

    __Beware__: Verification with P-386 keys might be broken.

    :param document: The document to verify"""
    pure_doc, proof_doc, signature = split_according_to_fep8b32(document)
    pure_proof = integrity_proof_to_pure_proof_dict(proof_doc)

    match proof_doc.cryptosuite:
        case "eddsa-jcs-2022" | "ecdsa-jcs-2019":
            to_hash = jcs_sha256
            if isinstance(
                self.public_key, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey
            ) and isinstance(self.public_key.curve, ec.SECP384R1):
                to_hash = jcs_sha384
        case "eddsa-rdfc-2022" | "ecdsa-rdfc-2019":
            to_hash = rdfc_sha256
            if isinstance(
                self.public_key, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey
            ) and isinstance(self.public_key.curve, ec.SECP384R1):
                to_hash = rdfc_sha384
      "USING rdfc_sha384")
        case _:
            logger.warning("Got the unknown cryptosuite %s", proof_doc.cryptosuite)
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown cryptosuite '{proof_doc.cryptosuite}'")

    digest_one = to_hash(pure_proof, context=pure_doc["@context"])
    digest_two = to_hash(pure_doc, context=pure_doc["@context"])
    logger.debug("Digest Proof %s", digest_one.hex())
    logger.debug("Digest Document %s %d", digest_two.hex(), len(digest_two))
    digest = digest_one + digest_two

    return self.verify(digest, signature)

CryptographicSecret dataclass

Represents a cryptographic secret. Such a secret is composed of the private key and the URI that resolves to the material, one can construct the appropriate cryptographic identifier from.


Name Type Description Default
key_id str

The URI, where the corresponding public key and controller can be retrieved

private_key Union[Ed25519PrivateKey, RSAPrivateKey]

The signing material

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
class CryptographicSecret:
    """Represents a cryptographic secret. Such a secret is composed
    of the private key and the URI that resolves to the material, one
    can construct the appropriate cryptographic identifier from.

    :param key_id: The URI, where the corresponding public key and controller
        can be retrieved
    :param private_key: The signing material

    key_id: str
    private_key: Union[ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey, rsa.RSAPrivateKey]

    def sign(self, message: str | bytes):
        """Signs the message.

        Currently only implemented for RSA: Uses PKCS1v15 padding and SHA256
        hashes. Returns the signature as base64 encoded.

        **Warning**: Interface might change, to enable specifying encoding
        of the signature.

        :param message: The message to sign as UTF-8 encoded string."""

        if isinstance(message, str):
            message = message.encode("utf-8")

        if isinstance(self.private_key, rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
            return base64.standard_b64encode(
        if isinstance(self.private_key, ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey):
            return multibase_58btc_encode(self.private_key.sign(message))
        if isinstance(self.private_key, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey):
            algorithm, length = curve_to_hashing_algorithm_and_half_key_length(
            signature_dss = self.private_key.sign(message, algorithm)
            r, s = utils.decode_dss_signature(signature_dss)
            signature = r.to_bytes(length) + s.to_bytes(length)
            return multibase_58btc_encode(signature)

        raise ValueError("Unknown key type in private key")

    def sign_document(
        document: dict,
        use_rdfc: bool = False,
    ) -> dict:
        """Signs the current document according to the procedure
        outlined in [FEP-8b32]( We support signing with
        [eddsa-jcs-2022 / eddsa-rdfc-2022](
        and [ecdsa-jcs-2019 / eddsa-edfc-2019](
        The cryptosuite is chosen depending on the type of signing material
        and the `use_rdfc` parameter

        :param document: The document to sign
        :param use_rdfc: Set to `True` to use `eddsa-rdfc-2022` or `ecdsa-rdfc-2019`
        :param proof_purpose: Purpose of the proof

        match [self.private_key, use_rdfc]:
            case [ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey(), True]:
                cryptosuite = "eddsa-rdfc-2022"
                to_hash = rdfc_sha256
            case [ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey(), False]:
                cryptosuite = "eddsa-jcs-2022"
                to_hash = jcs_sha256
            case [ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey(), True]:
                cryptosuite = "ecdsa-rdfc-2019"
                if isinstance(self.private_key.curve, ec.SECP256R1):
                    to_hash = rdfc_sha256
                    to_hash = rdfc_sha384
            case [ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey(), False]:
                cryptosuite = "ecdsa-jcs-2019"
                if isinstance(self.private_key.curve, ec.SECP256R1):
                    to_hash = jcs_sha256
                    to_hash = jcs_sha384
            case _:
                raise ValueError("Unsupported Key Format for signing documents")

        document_to_sign = ensure_data_integrity_context(document)

        created = bovine.utils.now_isoformat()
        proof = DataIntegrityProof(
        digest = to_hash(
        ) + to_hash(document_to_sign, context=document_to_sign["@context"])
        proof.proofValue = self.sign(digest)

        return {
            "proof": pydantic_to_json(proof),

    def from_pem(cls, key_id: str, pem: str):
        """Creates a CryptographicSecret from a PEM encoded private key"""
        return cls(key_id, load_pem_private_key(pem.encode("utf-8"), password=None))

    def from_multibase(cls, key_id: str, multibase: str):
        """Creates a CryptographicSecret from multibase encoded
        Ed25519 private key and key_id"""
        return cls(key_id, multibase_to_private_key(multibase))

from_multibase(key_id, multibase) classmethod

Creates a CryptographicSecret from multibase encoded Ed25519 private key and key_id

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def from_multibase(cls, key_id: str, multibase: str):
    """Creates a CryptographicSecret from multibase encoded
    Ed25519 private key and key_id"""
    return cls(key_id, multibase_to_private_key(multibase))

from_pem(key_id, pem) classmethod

Creates a CryptographicSecret from a PEM encoded private key

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def from_pem(cls, key_id: str, pem: str):
    """Creates a CryptographicSecret from a PEM encoded private key"""
    return cls(key_id, load_pem_private_key(pem.encode("utf-8"), password=None))


Signs the message.

Currently only implemented for RSA: Uses PKCS1v15 padding and SHA256 hashes. Returns the signature as base64 encoded.

Warning: Interface might change, to enable specifying encoding of the signature.


Name Type Description Default
message str | bytes

The message to sign as UTF-8 encoded string.

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def sign(self, message: str | bytes):
    """Signs the message.

    Currently only implemented for RSA: Uses PKCS1v15 padding and SHA256
    hashes. Returns the signature as base64 encoded.

    **Warning**: Interface might change, to enable specifying encoding
    of the signature.

    :param message: The message to sign as UTF-8 encoded string."""

    if isinstance(message, str):
        message = message.encode("utf-8")

    if isinstance(self.private_key, rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
        return base64.standard_b64encode(
    if isinstance(self.private_key, ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey):
        return multibase_58btc_encode(self.private_key.sign(message))
    if isinstance(self.private_key, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey):
        algorithm, length = curve_to_hashing_algorithm_and_half_key_length(
        signature_dss = self.private_key.sign(message, algorithm)
        r, s = utils.decode_dss_signature(signature_dss)
        signature = r.to_bytes(length) + s.to_bytes(length)
        return multibase_58btc_encode(signature)

    raise ValueError("Unknown key type in private key")

sign_document(document, use_rdfc=False, proof_purpose='assertionMethod')

Signs the current document according to the procedure outlined in FEP-8b32. We support signing with eddsa-jcs-2022 / eddsa-rdfc-2022 and ecdsa-jcs-2019 / eddsa-edfc-2019. The cryptosuite is chosen depending on the type of signing material and the use_rdfc parameter


Name Type Description Default
document dict

The document to sign

use_rdfc bool

Set to True to use eddsa-rdfc-2022 or ecdsa-rdfc-2019


Purpose of the proof

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def sign_document(
    document: dict,
    use_rdfc: bool = False,
) -> dict:
    """Signs the current document according to the procedure
    outlined in [FEP-8b32]( We support signing with
    [eddsa-jcs-2022 / eddsa-rdfc-2022](
    and [ecdsa-jcs-2019 / eddsa-edfc-2019](
    The cryptosuite is chosen depending on the type of signing material
    and the `use_rdfc` parameter

    :param document: The document to sign
    :param use_rdfc: Set to `True` to use `eddsa-rdfc-2022` or `ecdsa-rdfc-2019`
    :param proof_purpose: Purpose of the proof

    match [self.private_key, use_rdfc]:
        case [ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey(), True]:
            cryptosuite = "eddsa-rdfc-2022"
            to_hash = rdfc_sha256
        case [ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey(), False]:
            cryptosuite = "eddsa-jcs-2022"
            to_hash = jcs_sha256
        case [ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey(), True]:
            cryptosuite = "ecdsa-rdfc-2019"
            if isinstance(self.private_key.curve, ec.SECP256R1):
                to_hash = rdfc_sha256
                to_hash = rdfc_sha384
        case [ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey(), False]:
            cryptosuite = "ecdsa-jcs-2019"
            if isinstance(self.private_key.curve, ec.SECP256R1):
                to_hash = jcs_sha256
                to_hash = jcs_sha384
        case _:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported Key Format for signing documents")

    document_to_sign = ensure_data_integrity_context(document)

    created = bovine.utils.now_isoformat()
    proof = DataIntegrityProof(
    digest = to_hash(
    ) + to_hash(document_to_sign, context=document_to_sign["@context"])
    proof.proofValue = self.sign(digest)

    return {
        "proof": pydantic_to_json(proof),