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The config object should have either the form

config = {
  "host": "domain",
  "private_key": "z3u2Yxcowsarethebestcowsarethebestcowsarethebest"

for Moo-Auth-1 <>_ or

config = {
  "account_url": "",
  "public_key_url": ""
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n....==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"

for authorization using HTTP-Signatures. HTTP-Signatures are the form used for communication between ActivityPub Servers at the time of writing.


Bases: AuthorizationWrapper

Defines the Bovine version of an ActivityPub Actor. This class is meant to be used when implementing an ActivityPub Server in order to handle the HTTP requests to another server.

Currently most of these interactions use HTTP Signatures.

Usage is either:

async with BovineActor(**config) as actor:
    await do_something(actor)


actor = await BovineActor(**config)
await actor.init()
await do_something(actor)


Name Type Description Default
domain str | None

Specifies the domain the actor is on, used for Moo-Auth-1

host str | None

Alias for domain

actor_id str | None

URI of the actor, used for Bearer Auth and HTTP Signatures

account_url str | None

Alias for actor_id

secret str | None

The private key material for Moo-Auth-1 and HTTP Signatures

access_token str | None

The access token for Bearer auth

digest_method Callable[[bytes], Tuple[str, str]] | None

Set to content_digest_sha256_rfc_9530 to use Content-Digest according to RFC 9530.

Source code in bovine/bovine/
class BovineActor(AuthorizationWrapper):
    r"""Defines the Bovine version of an ActivityPub Actor. This class is meant
    to be used when implementing an ActivityPub Server in order to handle the
    HTTP requests to another server.

    Currently most of these interactions use HTTP Signatures.

    Usage is either:

    async with BovineActor(**config) as actor:
        await do_something(actor)


    actor = await BovineActor(**config)
    await actor.init()
    await do_something(actor)

    :param domain: Specifies the domain the actor is on, used for Moo-Auth-1
    :param host: Alias for domain
    :param actor_id: URI of the actor, used for Bearer Auth and HTTP Signatures
    :param account_url: Alias for actor_id
    :param secret: The private key material for Moo-Auth-1 and HTTP Signatures
    :param access_token: The access token for Bearer auth
    :param digest_method: Set to [content_digest_sha256_rfc_9530][bovine.crypto.helper.content_digest_sha256_rfc_9530] to use Content-Digest according to  RFC 9530.

    def __init__(
        domain: str | None = None,
        host: str | None = None,
        actor_id: str | None = None,
        account_url: str | None = None,
        secret: str | None = None,
        public_key_url: str | None = None,
        access_token: str | None = None,
        digest_method: Callable[[bytes], Tuple[str, str]] | None = None,
        if host:
                "Parameter host will be deprecated with bovine 0.6.0 use domain instead",
        if account_url:
                "Parameter account_url will be deprecated with bovine 0.6.0 use actor_id instead",
            domain=domain if domain else host,
            actor_id=actor_id if actor_id else account_url,

    async def init(self, session=None):
        """Manually initializes the BovineActor for cases when not used
        within async with

        :param session:
            can be used to specify an existing aiohttp.ClientSession. Otherwise a new
            one is created.

        await super().init(session=session)

    async def post(self, target: str, data: dict):
        """Send a signed post with data to target

        :param target: The URL to send the request to
        :param data: Data to send
        response = await, json.dumps(data))
        logger.debug("POST to %s got %d", target, response.status)

        return response

    async def get(self, target: str, fail_silently: bool = False):
        """Retrieve target with a get. An exception is raised if the request fails

        :param target: The URL of the object to retrieve
        :param fail_silently: do not raise an exception if the request fails
        response = await self.client.get(target)
        logger.debug("GET for %s got status code %d", target, response.status)

        if response.status >= 300 and response.status < 400:
            if "Location" in response.headers:
                location = response.headers["Location"]
                logger.debug("GET for %s redirected to %s", target, location)
                return await self.get(location)
            return None

        if response.status in [404, 410]:
                body = await response.text()
                result = json.loads(body)
                if result["type"] == "Tombstone":
                    return result
            except Exception:

            return Object(type="Tombstone", id=target).build()
        if fail_silently and response.status >= 400:
            return None


        body = await response.text()

            return json.loads(body)
        except Exception:
            # if "json" not in response.headers.get("Content-Type"):
            if "alternate" in response.links:
                link_header = response.links["alternate"]
                if "json" in link_header.get("type", ""):
                    location = str(link_header["url"])
                        "GET for %s redirected to %s due to Link Header",

                    return await self.get(location, fail_silently=fail_silently)

            object_id = activity_pub_object_id_from_html_body(body)

            if object_id:
                    "GET for %s redirected to %s due to HTML parsing", target, object_id

                return await self.get(object_id, fail_silently=fail_silently)
                return None

    async def get_ordered_collection(self, url: str, max_items: Optional[int] = None):
        """Retrieve target ordered collection

        :param url: url of the ordered collection
        :param max_items: maximal number of items to retrieve, use None for all
        result = await self.client.get(url)

        data = json.loads(await result.text())

        total_number_of_items = data["totalItems"]
        items = []

        if "orderedItems" in data:
            items = data["orderedItems"]

        if len(items) == total_number_of_items:
            return {"total_items": total_number_of_items, "items": items}

        if "first" in data:
            page_data = await self.get(data["first"])

            items = page_data["orderedItems"]

            while "next" in page_data and len(page_data["orderedItems"]) > 0:
                if max_items and len(items) > max_items:
                    return {"total_items": total_number_of_items, "items": items}

                page_data = await self.get(page_data["next"])

                items += page_data["orderedItems"]

        return {"total_items": total_number_of_items, "items": items}

    def from_file(config_file: str):
        with open(config_file, "rb") as fp:
            config = tomllib.load(fp)

        return BovineActor(**config)

get(target, fail_silently=False) async

Retrieve target with a get. An exception is raised if the request fails


Name Type Description Default
target str

The URL of the object to retrieve

fail_silently bool

do not raise an exception if the request fails

Source code in bovine/bovine/
async def get(self, target: str, fail_silently: bool = False):
    """Retrieve target with a get. An exception is raised if the request fails

    :param target: The URL of the object to retrieve
    :param fail_silently: do not raise an exception if the request fails
    response = await self.client.get(target)
    logger.debug("GET for %s got status code %d", target, response.status)

    if response.status >= 300 and response.status < 400:
        if "Location" in response.headers:
            location = response.headers["Location"]
            logger.debug("GET for %s redirected to %s", target, location)
            return await self.get(location)
        return None

    if response.status in [404, 410]:
            body = await response.text()
            result = json.loads(body)
            if result["type"] == "Tombstone":
                return result
        except Exception:

        return Object(type="Tombstone", id=target).build()
    if fail_silently and response.status >= 400:
        return None


    body = await response.text()

        return json.loads(body)
    except Exception:
        # if "json" not in response.headers.get("Content-Type"):
        if "alternate" in response.links:
            link_header = response.links["alternate"]
            if "json" in link_header.get("type", ""):
                location = str(link_header["url"])
                    "GET for %s redirected to %s due to Link Header",

                return await self.get(location, fail_silently=fail_silently)

        object_id = activity_pub_object_id_from_html_body(body)

        if object_id:
                "GET for %s redirected to %s due to HTML parsing", target, object_id

            return await self.get(object_id, fail_silently=fail_silently)
            return None

get_ordered_collection(url, max_items=None) async

Retrieve target ordered collection


Name Type Description Default
url str

url of the ordered collection

max_items Optional[int]

maximal number of items to retrieve, use None for all

Source code in bovine/bovine/
async def get_ordered_collection(self, url: str, max_items: Optional[int] = None):
    """Retrieve target ordered collection

    :param url: url of the ordered collection
    :param max_items: maximal number of items to retrieve, use None for all
    result = await self.client.get(url)

    data = json.loads(await result.text())

    total_number_of_items = data["totalItems"]
    items = []

    if "orderedItems" in data:
        items = data["orderedItems"]

    if len(items) == total_number_of_items:
        return {"total_items": total_number_of_items, "items": items}

    if "first" in data:
        page_data = await self.get(data["first"])

        items = page_data["orderedItems"]

        while "next" in page_data and len(page_data["orderedItems"]) > 0:
            if max_items and len(items) > max_items:
                return {"total_items": total_number_of_items, "items": items}

            page_data = await self.get(page_data["next"])

            items += page_data["orderedItems"]

    return {"total_items": total_number_of_items, "items": items}

init(session=None) async

Manually initializes the BovineActor for cases when not used within async with


Name Type Description Default

can be used to specify an existing aiohttp.ClientSession. Otherwise a new one is created.

Source code in bovine/bovine/
async def init(self, session=None):
    """Manually initializes the BovineActor for cases when not used
    within async with

    :param session:
        can be used to specify an existing aiohttp.ClientSession. Otherwise a new
        one is created.

    await super().init(session=session)

post(target, data) async

Send a signed post with data to target


Name Type Description Default
target str

The URL to send the request to

data dict

Data to send

Source code in bovine/bovine/
async def post(self, target: str, data: dict):
    """Send a signed post with data to target

    :param target: The URL to send the request to
    :param data: Data to send
    response = await, json.dumps(data))
    logger.debug("POST to %s got %d", target, response.status)

    return response


Bases: AuthorizationWrapper

BovineClient is meant to serve as the basis of building ActivityPub Clients. It defines methods for interacting with the endpoints defined by the corresponding ActivityPub Actor: inbox, outbox, and proxyUrl.

Usage is either:

async with BovineClient(**config) as actor:
    await do_something(actor)


actor = await BovineClient(**config)
await actor.init()
await do_something(actor)

I still call the variable actor as it represents the ActivityPub Actor through a client.


Name Type Description Default
domain str | None

Specifies the domain the actor is on, used for Moo-Auth-1

host str | None

Alias for domain

actor_id str | None

URI of the actor, used for Bearer Auth and HTTP Signatures

account_url str | None

Alias for actor_id

secret str | None

The private key material for Moo-Auth-1 and HTTP Signatures

access_token str | None

The access token for Bearer auth

Source code in bovine/bovine/
class BovineClient(AuthorizationWrapper):
    """BovineClient is meant to serve as the basis of building ActivityPub Clients.
    It defines methods for interacting with the endpoints defined by the corresponding
    ActivityPub Actor: inbox, outbox, and proxyUrl.

    Usage is either:

    async with BovineClient(**config) as actor:
        await do_something(actor)


    actor = await BovineClient(**config)
    await actor.init()
    await do_something(actor)

    I still call the variable actor as it represents the ActivityPub Actor through
    a client.

    :param domain: Specifies the domain the actor is on, used for Moo-Auth-1
    :param host: Alias for domain
    :param actor_id: URI of the actor, used for Bearer Auth and HTTP Signatures
    :param account_url: Alias for actor_id
    :param secret: The private key material for Moo-Auth-1 and HTTP Signatures
    :param access_token: The access token for Bearer auth

    def __init__(
        domain: str | None = None,
        host: str | None = None,
        actor_id: str | None = None,
        account_url: str | None = None,
        secret: str | None = None,
        public_key_url: str | None = None,
        access_token: str | None = None,
        if host:
                "Parameter host will be deprecated with bovine 0.6.0 use domain instead",
        if account_url:
                "Parameter account_url will be deprecated with bovine 0.6.0 use actor_id instead",
            domain=domain if domain else host,
            actor_id=actor_id if actor_id else account_url,

        self.information: Optional[dict] = None
        self._activity_factory = None
        self._object_factory = None

    async def get(self, target):
        assert self.client

        response = await self.client.get(target)
        return json.loads(await response.text())

    async def init(self, session=None):
        """Manually initializes the BovineClient for cases when
        not used within async with. Also loads the actor information.

        :param session:
            can be used to specify an existing aiohttp.ClientSession. Otherwise a new
            one is created.

        await super().init(session=session)

        if self.client is None:
            raise Exception("Client not set in BovineClient")
        self.information = await self.get(self.actor_id)

        logger.debug("Retrieved information %s", self.information)

        if any(required not in self.information for required in ["inbox", "outbox"]):
            raise Exception("Retrieved incomplete actor data")

    async def send_to_outbox(self, data: dict):
        """sends data to outbox of actor

        :param data: The data to send as python dict

            The aiohttp.ClientResponse object. This means
            return_value.headers["location"] will contain the id of the
            posted activity.
        if self.information is None:
            await self.init()

        assert self.client

        return await["outbox"], json.dumps(data))

    async def proxy(self, target: str):
        """Retrieve's an element through the actors' proxyUrl endpoint
        as specified in ActivityPub.

        :param target: The URL of the object to retrieve

        FIXME: Support for non-json stuff"""
        response = await
            urlencode({"id": target}),
        return await response.json()

    async def event_source(self):
        """Returns an EventSource corresponding to the actor's

        The syntax for this will probably change"""
        if self.information is None:
            await self.load()

        event_source_url = self.information["endpoints"]["eventSource"]
        return self.client.event_source(event_source_url)

    async def simplify_collection(self, collection):
        """Returns a Collection containing all items from the passed collection
        or collection id"""
        # items = await all_collection_elements(self, collection)

        items = []

        if isinstance(collection, str):
            collection_id = collection
            collection_id = collection.get("id")
        return Collection(id=collection_id, items=items).build()

    def activity_factory(self):
        """Returns an ActivityFactory for objects corresponding to the client's actor"""
        if self._activity_factory is None:
            self._activity_factory = ActivityFactory(self.information)
        return self._activity_factory

    def object_factory(self):
        """Returns an ObjectFactory for objects corresponding to the client's actor"""
        if self._object_factory is None:
            self._object_factory = ObjectFactory(client=self)
        return self._object_factory

    def factories(self):
        return self.activity_factory, self.object_factory

    def host(self):
        """The host the actor is on"""
        return urlparse(self.actor_id).netloc

    def followers(self) -> str:
        """The id of the follows collection"""
        return self.information["followers"]

    def inbox(self, resolve=True):
        """Provides a CollectionHelper for the Actors inbox"""
        inbox_collection = CollectionHelper(
            self.information["inbox"], self, resolve=resolve
        return inbox_collection

    def outbox(self, resolve=True):
        """Provides a CollectionHelper for the Actors outbox"""
        outbox_collection = CollectionHelper(
            self.information["outbox"], self, resolve=resolve
        return outbox_collection

    def collection_helper(self, collection, resolve=False):
        """Returns a CollectionHelper for the collection provided. Usage:

        async for x in client.collection_helper(uri_of_collection):
            await do_something(x)

        :param collection: Uri of the collection to irater over
        :param resolve: If true objects are automatically fetched"""

        return CollectionHelper(collection, self, resolve=resolve)

    def from_file(config_file: str):
        """Initializes the BovineClient from a toml config file"""
        with open(config_file, "rb") as fp:
            config = tomllib.load(fp)

        return BovineClient(**config)

activity_factory property

Returns an ActivityFactory for objects corresponding to the client’s actor

followers: str property

The id of the follows collection

host property

The host the actor is on

object_factory property

Returns an ObjectFactory for objects corresponding to the client’s actor

collection_helper(collection, resolve=False)

Returns a CollectionHelper for the collection provided. Usage:

async for x in client.collection_helper(uri_of_collection):
    await do_something(x)


Name Type Description Default

Uri of the collection to irater over


If true objects are automatically fetched

Source code in bovine/bovine/
def collection_helper(self, collection, resolve=False):
    """Returns a CollectionHelper for the collection provided. Usage:

    async for x in client.collection_helper(uri_of_collection):
        await do_something(x)

    :param collection: Uri of the collection to irater over
    :param resolve: If true objects are automatically fetched"""

    return CollectionHelper(collection, self, resolve=resolve)

event_source() async

Returns an EventSource corresponding to the actor’s

The syntax for this will probably change

Source code in bovine/bovine/
async def event_source(self):
    """Returns an EventSource corresponding to the actor's

    The syntax for this will probably change"""
    if self.information is None:
        await self.load()

    event_source_url = self.information["endpoints"]["eventSource"]
    return self.client.event_source(event_source_url)

from_file(config_file) staticmethod

Initializes the BovineClient from a toml config file

Source code in bovine/bovine/
def from_file(config_file: str):
    """Initializes the BovineClient from a toml config file"""
    with open(config_file, "rb") as fp:
        config = tomllib.load(fp)

    return BovineClient(**config)


Provides a CollectionHelper for the Actors inbox

Source code in bovine/bovine/
def inbox(self, resolve=True):
    """Provides a CollectionHelper for the Actors inbox"""
    inbox_collection = CollectionHelper(
        self.information["inbox"], self, resolve=resolve
    return inbox_collection

init(session=None) async

Manually initializes the BovineClient for cases when not used within async with. Also loads the actor information.


Name Type Description Default

can be used to specify an existing aiohttp.ClientSession. Otherwise a new one is created.

Source code in bovine/bovine/
async def init(self, session=None):
    """Manually initializes the BovineClient for cases when
    not used within async with. Also loads the actor information.

    :param session:
        can be used to specify an existing aiohttp.ClientSession. Otherwise a new
        one is created.

    await super().init(session=session)

    if self.client is None:
        raise Exception("Client not set in BovineClient")
    self.information = await self.get(self.actor_id)

    logger.debug("Retrieved information %s", self.information)

    if any(required not in self.information for required in ["inbox", "outbox"]):
        raise Exception("Retrieved incomplete actor data")


Provides a CollectionHelper for the Actors outbox

Source code in bovine/bovine/
def outbox(self, resolve=True):
    """Provides a CollectionHelper for the Actors outbox"""
    outbox_collection = CollectionHelper(
        self.information["outbox"], self, resolve=resolve
    return outbox_collection

proxy(target) async

Retrieve’s an element through the actors’ proxyUrl endpoint as specified in ActivityPub.


Name Type Description Default
target str

The URL of the object to retrieve FIXME: Support for non-json stuff

Source code in bovine/bovine/
async def proxy(self, target: str):
    """Retrieve's an element through the actors' proxyUrl endpoint
    as specified in ActivityPub.

    :param target: The URL of the object to retrieve

    FIXME: Support for non-json stuff"""
    response = await
        urlencode({"id": target}),
    return await response.json()

send_to_outbox(data) async

sends data to outbox of actor


Name Type Description Default
data dict

The data to send as python dict



Type Description

The aiohttp.ClientResponse object. This means return_value.headers[“location”] will contain the id of the posted activity.

Source code in bovine/bovine/
async def send_to_outbox(self, data: dict):
    """sends data to outbox of actor

    :param data: The data to send as python dict

        The aiohttp.ClientResponse object. This means
        return_value.headers["location"] will contain the id of the
        posted activity.
    if self.information is None:
        await self.init()

    assert self.client

    return await["outbox"], json.dumps(data))

simplify_collection(collection) async

Returns a Collection containing all items from the passed collection or collection id

Source code in bovine/bovine/
async def simplify_collection(self, collection):
    """Returns a Collection containing all items from the passed collection
    or collection id"""
    # items = await all_collection_elements(self, collection)

    items = []

    if isinstance(collection, str):
        collection_id = collection
        collection_id = collection.get("id")
    return Collection(id=collection_id, items=items).build()