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Computes the SHA256 digest of given content


Name Type Description Default
content str | bytes

Content to be encoded

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def content_digest_sha256(content: str | bytes) -> str:
    """Computes the SHA256 digest of given content

    :param content: Content to be encoded"""
    if isinstance(content, str):
        content = content.encode("utf-8")

    digest = base64.standard_b64encode(hashlib.sha256(content).digest()).decode("utf-8")
    return "sha-256=" + digest


Computes the content digest according to RFC 9530

>>> content_digest_sha256_rfc_9530(b'{"hello": "world"}\n')
('content-digest', 'sha-256=:RK/0qy18MlBSVnWgjwz6lZEWjP/lF5HF9bvEF8FabDg=:')


Name Type Description Default
content bytes

Usually the request body to compute the digest from



Type Description
Tuple[str, str]

Tuple of header name, header value

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def content_digest_sha256_rfc_9530(content: bytes) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    """Computes the content digest according to [RFC 9530](

    >>> content_digest_sha256_rfc_9530(b'{"hello": "world"}\\n')
    ('content-digest', 'sha-256=:RK/0qy18MlBSVnWgjwz6lZEWjP/lF5HF9bvEF8FabDg=:')


    :param content: Usually the request body to compute the digest from
    :return: Tuple of header name, header value"""
    return "content-digest", ser({"sha-256": hashlib.sha256(content).digest()})


Performs context injection according to Verifiable Credentials: Data Integrity. The data integrity context being added is


Name Type Description Default
doc dict




Type Description

The same document with the data integrity context added.

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def ensure_data_integrity_context(doc: dict) -> dict:
    """Performs context injection according to
    [Verifiable Credentials: Data Integrity]( The data integrity
    context being added is ``.

    :param doc: Document
    :return: The same document with the data integrity context added.
    integrity_context = ""
    alternate_context = ""
    context = doc.get("@context")
    if context is None:
        return {"@context": integrity_context, **doc}
    if isinstance(context, str):
        context: list = [context]
    if integrity_context in context or alternate_context in context:
        return doc
    return jsonld.compact(doc, context + [integrity_context])

jcs_sha256(doc, context=None)

Returns the sha256 digest of the representation of dict according to JCS. This assumes that doc is JSON serializable.

JCS is defined in RFC8785.


Name Type Description Default
doc dict

The document

context dict | None

ignored used in rdfc_sha256

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def jcs_sha256(doc: dict, context: dict | None = None) -> bytes:
    """Returns the sha256 digest of the representation
    of dict according to JCS. This assumes that `doc`
    is JSON serializable.

    JCS is defined in [RFC8785](

    :param doc: The document
    :param context: ignored used in [rdfc_sha256][bovine.crypto.helper.rdfc_sha256]
    return hashlib.sha256(jcs.canonicalize(doc)).digest()

jcs_sha384(doc, context=None)

Returns the sha384 digest of the representation of dict according to JCS. This assumes that doc is JSON serializable.

JCS is defined in RFC8785.


Name Type Description Default
doc dict

The document

context dict | None

ignored used in rdfc_sha256

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def jcs_sha384(doc: dict, context: dict | None = None) -> bytes:
    """Returns the sha384 digest of the representation
    of dict according to JCS. This assumes that `doc`
    is JSON serializable.

    JCS is defined in [RFC8785](

    :param doc: The document
    :param context: ignored used in [rdfc_sha256][bovine.crypto.helper.rdfc_sha256]
    return hashlib.sha384(jcs.canonicalize(doc)).digest()


Converts a public key to a did:key.


Name Type Description Default
public_key Union[Ed25519PublicKey, RSAPublicKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey]

The public key

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def public_key_to_did_key(
    public_key: Union[
        ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey, rsa.RSAPublicKey, ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey
) -> str:
    """Converts a public key to a [did:key](

    :param public_key: The public key
    return "did:key:" + encode_public_key_to_multibase(public_key)

rdfc_sha256(doc, context={})

Returns the sha256 digest of the representation of dict according to RDF-Canon

The algorithm used is URDNA2015 and the result are n-quads.


Name Type Description Default
doc dict

The document

context dict

If doc has no @context property, it is set to this parameter

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def rdfc_sha256(doc: dict, context: dict = {}) -> bytes:
    """Returns the sha256 digest of the representation
    of dict according to [RDF-Canon](

    The algorithm used is URDNA2015 and the result are n-quads.

    :param doc: The document
    :param context: If doc has no `@context` property, it is set to this parameter
    if "@context" not in doc:
        doc["@context"] = context

    normalized = jsonld.normalize(
        doc, {"algorithm": "URDNA2015", "format": "application/n-quads"}
    return hashlib.sha256(normalized.encode("utf-8")).digest()

rdfc_sha384(doc, context={})

Returns the sha384 digest of the representation of dict according to RDF-Canon

The algorithm used is URDNA2015 and the result are n-quads.


Name Type Description Default
doc dict

The document

context dict

If doc has no @context property, it is set to this parameter

Source code in bovine/bovine/crypto/
def rdfc_sha384(doc: dict, context: dict = {}) -> bytes:
    """Returns the sha384 digest of the representation
    of dict according to [RDF-Canon](

    The algorithm used is URDNA2015 and the result are n-quads.

    :param doc: The document
    :param context: If doc has no `@context` property, it is set to this parameter
    if "@context" not in doc:
        doc["@context"] = context

    normalized = jsonld.normalize(
        doc, {"algorithm": "URDNA2015", "format": "application/n-quads"}
    return hashlib.sha384(normalized.encode("utf-8")).digest()